Hardy Cranesbill Geraniums
These wonderful hardy perennials are not very well known in New Zealand but I am in the process of changing this! They have have gorgeous foliage and flowers in shades of white, pink, blue and purple. There is a hardy geranium for all conditions from full sun right through to dry shade. This genus of plants is invaluable in the garden.
All of the geraniums I have listed are tried and true varieties, grown in my garden, and some are hard to find anywhere else in New Zealand.
Unless stated otherwise, all are incredibly frost hardy. I adore this genus of plants! Enjoy!
Note: Some varieties are listed as ''Out of Stock'' because they are sold out for the season. I have listed when they will be available again.
Geranium ''Bertie Crug''
Geranium albanum
Geranium aristatum
Geranium asphodeloides
Geranium Brookside
Geranium canariense
Geranium Criss Canning
Geranium harveyi
Geranium ibericum
Geranium incanum
Geranium Joy
Geranium madarense
Geranium nodosum
Geranium Orkney Pink
Geranium palmatum
Geranium platypetalum
Geranium pratense 'Alba'
Geranium psilostemon
Geranium Red Propellers
Geranium renardii
Geranium robustum
Geranium sanguineum
Geranium Sue Crug
Geranium sylvaticum
Geranium versicolor
Geranium wallichianum
Geranium wlassovianum