Sweet Pea ''Melody Bicolour Mix'' - SEEDS
20 SEEDS - A gorgeous mixture, bred by Keith Hammett. A stunning blend of bicolours - red, lavender, violet, pink, maroon & lilac. The upper petals are darker and the lower petals (wings) are lighter. This variety flowers in Spring so is perfect for late Autumn or early Spring sowing. Long stemmed, highly fragrant flowers.
SOWING TIPS - Sweet peas are incredible easy to grow from seed and dislike being fussed over. Sow in Spring or Autumn outdoors - either direct where they are to grow or in good quality seed raising mix (I swear by Daltons Premium Seed Mix) in small pots or in large cell punnets. The small cell-pack punnets are too small for sweet peas, causing them to become stressed very quickly.